More Ordinariate in California

I am hoping to network people together and locate two driven and devoted individuals to each start and head up a new Anglican Use society in California, one in the Bay Area and the other in the Inland Empire.

Anglican Use Society of the Bay Area
The San Francisco/San Jose/Oakland area, I'm told, already has four or five people who've communicated with James Farr about wanting to start a group. What this group needs to begin is to have someone take leadership who lives there on the ground (unlike James who travels a lot) and who has the time and energy to invest into starting this off and seeing it through until such time a priest can be assigned from the future Ordinariate.

As is now tradition, I've started a Facebook group for this new movement to see if any local people in the Bay Area can use it to connect and as a springboard to reach out. If you're interested in this idea in the Bay Area, please join the Facebook group (if you're on it), but please contact James Farr so he can help get this started and pass on the torch of leadership to a local person. If you're interested and live up there, please email James Farr: codeblueiii [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Anglican Use Society of the Inland Empire
A few people have inquired of me about starting an Anglican Use society out in the Ontario/Riverside/San Bernadino area. So - again with tradition - I've started a new Facebook group for that as well to try to network people together and see what kind of interest there might be. If there are a decent number of folks who can get together weekly or even monthly, I'd like to find someone out that way who would be willing to take leadership of this group as well until we can find a priest who can be stationed there permanently.

If you are interested in forming an Anglican Use group out in the Inland Empire area, please send me an email: fatherbartus [at] stmaryoftheangels [dot] org


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