Groups of Anglicans, but One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

Please read the latest post by Br. Stephen Treat, O.Cist.  It explains very well why Anglican Patrimony is leaving the juridical details to those more competent to handle it.  There is much we do know from the Apostolic Constitution (Anglicanorum Coetibus) and its Complementary Norms, however the practical outworking of that in each of our local contexts is something we just cannot know at this time and why it is wise at this stage in the game to just wait and see.  The Holy See must make the first move in erecting the Ordinariates, approving and issuing an Anglican liturgy for us, and then only after these things occur can we begin working under their authority on things like converting parishes and people into the Ordinariate, exploring ordinations, the exact relationship to the local diocese, etc.

Anyway, do give it a read and contemplate the wisdom offered to us all.


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